Was du über Maori / Polynesische Tätowierungen wissen mußt.
Meisterschaften & Events

Winner of the Tatau Awards public choice.

Judges from the Dortmund tattoo convention, 2019.
Randy Engelhard, Urban Slamal, Boris Glatthaar, and me, Manu Kelley.

Interview with one of the contest winners, Manu Tuhuka Patutiki, Fabulous Tiki Weekend, 2019.

Second place, in the category best traditional, at the fabulous tiki weekend 2!!

Wir sind dabei!!!

Last day at the Frankfurt Tattoo Convention 2019.
Lawrence Ah Ching, Mao Perez, Tomasi Suluape, Martin Nitzschke, Ioane erico aukai paluero, Stefano Laugelli, Tommy Köhler, Fabio Grillo, Jimmy Dek, Kensho Tenkiryu, Aman Durga Sipatiti, Volle Kaha, Tor Ola Svennevig, Manu / Samoan Manu, plus many more.
3. Platz von 203 Plätzen, für den Titel der beliebtesten, internationalen, polynesischen Tätowierer.
2018 / 2019

Daniel Krause und Manu, Tattoo Messe Leipzig 2019

Perehaina Patere, Manu Kelley, Toariki Ikihaa

1st place at Tatau Awards!!!
July-September 2018

Thank you to Su'a Fuiavailili Lawrence Randus Ah Ching, for this beautiful Malu!

1st place at Tatau Awards!!!
July-December 2017

Maori Week 2018 bei Randy Engelhard, Heaven of Colours in Zwickau.
Maori Week 2018 bei Randy Engelhard, Heaven of Colours in Zwickau.

Tatau awards artist's choice nominee, Jan. - Mar. 2018.

Erster Platz, zweiter Platz, und Best of Day, gewonnen auf der Tattoo Messe Sindelfingen, Juni 2018. Danke an meine Kunden!
1st place, 2nd place, and best of day, awarded at the tattoo convention in Sindelfingen, June 2018. Thank you to my customers!

It was an honor taking part in the Samoan ava ceremony, hosted by SU'A FUIAVAILILI LAWRENCE AH CHING. Hamburg tattoo convention 2018.
Ava ceremony with Su'a Fuiavailili Lawrence Randus Ah Ching, Martin Nitzschke, Ioane Erico Aukai Paluero, Manu Kelley, and many friends at the tattoo convention in Frankfurt, 2018.

Su'a Fuiavailili Lawrence Randus Ah Ching, working on Manu's Malu, Ioane Erico Aukai Paluero stretching.

Ava ceremony with Su'a Fuiavailili Lawrence Randus Ah Ching, Martin Nitzschke, Ioane Erico Aukai Paluero, Manu Kelley, and many friends at the tattoo convention in Zurich Switzerland, 2018.

Su'a Fuiavailili Lawrence Randus Ah Ching, Tomasi Sulu'ape Brent McCown Manu Kelley Raniero Reale Stefano Laugelli
Jean-Yves Tamarii Keone Nunes

Rosie Edwards Agnieszka Kulińska

Tattoo convention Zurich Switzerland with Jean-Yves Tamarii

1st place at the tattoo convention in Amberg, March 2018.

1st place at the Tattoo convention in Leer!

1st and second place winner at the Tattoo convention Crailsheim!
Best of Day!
Tattoo convention Crailsheim, mit Ingo Kantorek von der Sendung Köln 50667, SweetyM, und mein Kunde, Manuel.

Best of day! Tattoo convention Crailsheim

First and second place at the Nabburg tattoo convention!

Best of day Pokal Gewinn für Manu bei der Tattoo Convention Freiburg!