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What you need to know about Maori / Polynesian tattoos.

Manu Tuhuka Patutiki
Kunst Atelier für
Polynesische Zeichnungen sowie polynesische Tätowierungen, (Maori Tattoo)

Zur Verifizierung eures Tattootermins, am Vortag bitte nochmal anrufen, 18:30 - 20:00.
Fabulous Tiki Weeked 2023! Manu, begleitet vom Deutchen Fernsehen.
Availability times
General questions and appointment requests Mon - Sat 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tattoo times Mon. - Sat. 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Tel. 09662 - 6226 or 0173/3888379
During other times, we ask for your understanding that we cannot interrupt for customer talks during the tattoo hours and therefore no customer reception is possible.
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